Checking for a Null or Empty String

It is quite common when writing PowerShell script that you need to check if a variable, which is supposed to be a string, is not null or empty before processing it.  I see many folks use [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($str) including myself in the past.  But it appears that this approach is unnecessary and requires more typing.  In PowerShell you can easily test for a non-null or empty string like so:
1> function IsNullOrEmpty($str) {if ($str) {"String is not empty"} else {"String is null or empty"}}
Now let’s double check that this is working as expected:
2> $str = $null
3> IsNullOrEmpty $str
String is null or empty
4> $str = ”
5> IsNullOrEmpty $str
String is null or empty
6> $str = ‘hi’
7> IsNullOrEmpty $str
String is not empty
So as we can see.  It is enough to do a simple check "if ($str)" on a string to make sure it is not null nor empty.
Update 4/25/2008: Bill points out in a comment that you do need to still explicitly test for [DBNull]::Value if you work with data from a database.
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11 Responses to Checking for a Null or Empty String

  1. Bill says:

    I read your post and thought..  Cool.  that makes a lot of sense.. and quickly threw away my IsNullOrEmpty function.
    But, if($str) didn\’t seem to work in all cases.
    After some checking, remembered that objects from the database are not $Null, they are [DBNull]::Value.
    So I re-built my function and added.  if ($str -eq [DBNull]::Value){ return $True;}
    Not technically a string, but keeps me from having to check the value twice.

  2. Keith says:

    Bill, good point.  I don\’t do much with databases so the DBNull issue didn\’t occur to me. Thanks for pointing that out.

  3. Thanks Bill,
    When loading a CSV and testing a column for existance, I was getting back unexpected results (empty columns being returned). I found your DBNULL test worked…
    $csv = import-csv “.\links.csv”
    foreach ($line in $csv)
    if ($($line.Column1) -ne [DBNull]::Value)
    $link = $($line.Column1)
    write-host “$link”


  4. joey says:

    New to powershell, but figured I’d share my findings. This (!$var) also works for an empty value in a CSV. Kinda a long example, but it’s what I was working on.

    ====CSV FILE====

    # CSV file location
    $CSVFile = Import-Csv -path “c:\scripts\logs\ad_update.txt”

    foreach ($account in $CSVFile)

    Write-host “$($,$($account.firstname),$($account.lastname)”

    if (($account.firstname) -and ($account.lastname))
    Write-Host “First and Last Name Change for account: $($”

    if (($account.firstname) -and (!$account.lastname))
    Write-Host “First Name Change for account: $($”

    if ((!$account.firstname) -and ($account.lastname))
    Write-Host “Last Name Change for account: $($”

    Last Name Change for account: user-a

    First and Last Name Change for account: user-b

    First Name Change for account: user-c

  5. I just think it is ok only for strings not bools

    • rkeithhill says:

      Not sure I follow you. Booleans work even better because no coercion is involved.

      $abool = $true
      if ($abool) { “This should be output” }

      Works just as well as:

      if ($abool -eq $true) { “This should be output” }

  6. says:

    You check if a variable is NULL, EMPTY, or having whitespaces by using system.string dotnet class. Check for examples.

    • rkeithhill says:

      Yes, if you also need to check for a string containing only whitespace then [string]::IsNullOrWhitespace($str) is the way to go. However, in my experience with PowerShell script, I’ve rarely needed the extra “whitespace” test.

      • Doug Wagner says:

        Had good success with trim() and trimEnd() methods on a string.
        Saw unexpected errors looping thru a list of PC names due to trailing space characters. I introduced the trailing spaces by “cleaning up” my PC list with a programming editor. Now I don’t trust “human generated” input before I use trim() on it.

  7. Pingback: Powershell Quick Parameters for Scripts | Voice of the DBA

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